Big Magic: Simply Superlative
Big Magic is one of the most magnificent books I’ve read on creativity. Not a surprise it’s been a bestseller.
The finesse with which Elizabeth Gilbert shares her view on creativity is extraordinary. It’s refreshing and encouraging from anything I’ve read, heard or known.
Here is such a rare commentary on pursuing a creative life mirroring reality, yet inspiring and encouraging.
Liz Gilbert’s experience and understanding of creativity are deep and intimate. She generously shares it throughout the book.
Her take on creativity is mesmerising and optimistic. It’s also freeing in many ways.
Love her emphasis on showing each one of us is creative. How it’s our innate nature and not reserved for a chosen few. She permits you to be creative if you’re still hesitant.
Her perspective on fear is intriguing and insightful. Her commentary on how to detach from whether people like your work or not, is incredible. Especially as she inspires you to keep creating, irrespective.
The piece on managing people’s reactions to your work - be it good, bad or ugly is extraordinary. Her writing grants you a sense of permission to deal with your creativity more lightly.
Love how she explains that to stay in the game, you must let go of your fantasy of perfection. Her example of persisting and pursuing a creative life is exemplary and motivating. She beautifully shatters the myth that suffering is a prerequisite for creative purists.
Her perspective on martyr v/s trickster is enjoyable and pragmatic. It makes creation a lighthearted process.
Big Magic is an enchanting and well-written book on creative living. You’d love to read more than once.
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