Put your ass where your heart wants to be: Candid and inspiring
Steven Pressfield’s new book is the best commentary on the commitment to a creative life. And bringing your dreams alive.
It’s a clean, easy straightforward read. It’s a book you can read in a day but it has the potential to change the rest of your life.
This inspirational book is a must-read for writers, actors, artists, entrepreneurs. It’s for anyone working on a creative project.
It is obvious that you need to show up and do the work to achieve your dream. For example, a writer needs to show up at their desk, a painter at the easel and a singer at practice, every day.
Pressfield explains in great detail and simplicity, how and why we must overcome resistance to show up regularly. It’s not an easy task, Pressfield not only makes it easy but also inspires.
He elucidates how it’s sometimes important to move to the geographical location which is at the center of your creative pursuit. This way it’s more likely to get the support, opportunities and mentorship you require. He beautifully explains how synchronicities that further your dreams, are more likely to take place when you move to the right place.
He cites examples of well-known personalities and the coincidences that worked for them when they moved to the right place to fulfill their dreams.
Love how he reminds us how success happens in any field. He rightly says your friends help you. The friends you made when you and they were broke and starving. As your friends rise in their careers they take you along.
As you keep reading, Pressfield guides you to keep going despite the resistance and your tendency to self-sabotage. He offers a deep explanation of how and why we need it to keep going. He’s amazingly convincing and motivating. He says the muse is pleased with your commitment to furthering your creative pursuit.
He shares how he kept going for several years without any success. As going back to a job was not something that worked for him, he had no choice but to keep going.
He says “If we just keep plugging away at it, the Law of Self-Ordering comes to our aid.
Work—day-in, day-out exertion and concentration—produces progress and order. That’s a law of the universe.”
It’s incredibly encouraging when he says “You too have a body of work. It exists inside you, on the Plane of Potentiality. Are you a writer? This body of work exists, like books on a bookshelf. Close your eyes. You can see them.”
”Can we put our ass where our heart wants to be if we’ve got a family, a job, a mortgage? Yes. The Muse does not count hours. She counts commitment.” These and many more words of wisdom are sprinkled throughout the book. Hope you love reading it as much as I did.
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