The Art of Extreme Self-care: Cosy, Comforting & Warm
Cheryl Richardson’s weekly emails are something I’ve looked forward to for decades now. Her book The Art of Extreme Self-Care is as cosy, comforting and warm as her Monday morning emails.
It brings you back to the importance of nurturing and taking care of ourselves, in a culture that demands we are productive all the time.
This book was first published in 2009 and then revised in 2019. Yet it is relevant especially today as we’re moving through a global pandemic.
In a culture where self-care is seen as being selfish, she gently shatters that myth and presents compelling reasons to pursue it.
In a society that glorifies you for being independent, she inspires you to seek and accept help from others.
Her best chapters are on saying no, maintaining boundaries and listening to the body. All of which is incredibly challenging to practice in a culture that does not encourage alternative viewpoints. She shares perspectives and techniques that make it motivating to practice these.

Let me disappoint you was one of the most fantastic chapters in the book. It teaches you to say no when required with grace, ease and respect. If you tend to be a people pleaser you’re going to love this chapter.
Love that she encourages us to create soul-nourishing spaces. She dives into the details on how we can protect our sensitive souls so we can share our gifts with the world.
She presents a balanced view on managing anger. She emphasises on not swallowing it and expressing it sensibly.
Love her insistence on making space for things that you’re passionate about. So you can fill your creative well without translating it into a wage-paying career.
She inspires you to live a simple life with self-care at the center - making space for a fulfilling life.
At the end of the book, she inspires you to make your own extreme self-care kit to support your well-being. So fantastic!
If you’re already on the self-care path or just getting started, this is a great book.
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