Do What Lights You Up: Beautiful Journey of Self Discovery & Reinvention
If you’re amidst a career or life re-invention, Cherine Kurdi’s book is the ideal handbook.
This book is a must-read if you’re seeking to uncover your heart’s longing and create a joyful life around that.
If you’re seeking to do what makes your heart sing, here’s the book that will handhold you through that process. If you’re craving to make sense of the fire in your belly, you’ll enjoy reading this book.
Cherine shares how she listened to her intuition and left her corporate job in advertising. She wanted to create space for creativity and freedom. She wanted to create an impact by sharing her philosophies with the world. She launched a programme to help people discover what lights them up. This was relatable as I’ve had an identical journey.
The fact that Cherine is also introverted, highly sensitive and multi-passionate resonated with me.
She encourages you to embark on a journey of self-discovery to uncover what you love and where you want to put your focus.
She emphasises that your passion or purpose does not need to be a wage-paying career.
The book has several exercises to do. It calls you to be an active participant in designing the life you love. Cherine encourages you to journal. She believes journaling is grounding and provides a reference point for clarity. The exercises in the book are well crafted to inspire insights and aha moments.
I loved that she focused on using intuition as a guiding light throughout the book. At one point she insists on slowing down to make space for intuition. She covers in detail how we must listen to our body to tune into the wisdom of our intuition.
Love her candour. She states that self-sabotage is normal while working on your dreams, goals and aspirations. She encourages you to be kind to yourself and move ahead.
She says that you may experience some resistance or you may want to bail out from your inner work. She asks you to take a break instead of calling it a day. Rest, instead of giving up.
Her chapter on turning disappointment into inspiration is uplifting and motivating. She eggs you to embrace your quirks, weird aspects and your superpower.
The chapter on your resume of magnificence boosted my spirits. I found it to be life-giving.
In this chapter, she says because we forget to celebrate our victories, we feel we haven’t done much. But “when we trace back, we notice that there is so much we have done and there’s so much we have created.” Penning down my victories and successes filled me with confidence and a deep feeling that I matter.
Part 4 of the book on fears and the inner critic was powerful. It’s empowering how she guides us to turn around our story with the inner fan concept.
Through the book and the exercises Cherine helps you to design a life you deeply desire. Her exercises get you to sharply articulate what you want in various areas of life. They also compel you to spell out the life you’d love to design. They prepare you to face fears and roadblocks on the way.
All in all, Cherine’s book is delightful and introspective. It’s the perfect one to help you design and shape the life and work you desire. It truly brings out the best in you.
Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did!
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