Playing Big: Pragmatic and Insightful
Playing Big is Tara Mohr’s earnest attempt at helping women play big, especially in their careers.
In her book, she introduces us to the inner critic and normalises having one. She explains how it comes in the way of playing big.
She introduces us to the inner mentor - the older, wiser and more authentic version of ourselves. It’s a voice of wisdom, calm, love and guidance. We can turn to it for answers, again and again. She teaches us how to access the inner mentor and be guided by it, instead of the inner critic.
She introduces the concept of unhooking from both praise and criticism while charting new paths. She explains how ‘good girl conditioning’ and other cultural factors keep women playing small.
Women who play big, she says, receive criticism. She then suggests ideas to unhook from criticism. Her suggestions on managing feedback are fantastic.
Her review of how women’s schooling hampers their leadership abilities is eye-opening. She offers a toolkit to combat those shortcomings.
Her chapter on how women hide and keep themselves behind is brilliant and so relatable.
As an antidote to common hiding and delaying tactics, she introduces the concept of leaping. It’s a set of ideas and strategies that are simple, actionable and move you forward.
Her chapter on callings is remarkable. Her checklist to identify a calling is brilliant and evokes hope and optimism. She beautifully explains how our callings have the dual purpose of helping us grow and heal the world.
I particularly relished her last chapter ‘Let it be easy’. She explains how we create sustainable action not through self-discipline, but by putting in place support for ourselves. Be it by choosing what she calls a ‘gift-goal’ and not a ‘should-goal’. With the support of our champions, accountability partners and creating daily routines to support our goals.
If you’re seeking motivation to play it big, especially in your career, here’s a book you must not miss!
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